Option Calculators and Stock Screeners
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Stock Option Calculator for BA

This stock option calculator compute up to eight contracts and one stock position using Black Scholes.
 Stock Symbol Solve For Model   Hist Vol Indexed IV Div Amt Ex-Date Frequency Price  Help 
  0.308002 0.544044       159.84  +4.84
Monday Oct 21, 2024
 Volatility   Slider Indexed IV Historical IV Leg IV
  Expiry Strike Put/Call Quan Cost Side TPrice  Vol TValue Delta Gamma  Theta  Vega  Rho Hide  X
Portfolio Totals  
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Data is delayed from October 21, 2024. You can get started for free to get the latest data.
This stock option calculator computes can compute up to eight contracts and one stock position, which allows you to pretty much chart most of the stock options strategies.
A long call is a net debit position (i.e. the trader pays money when entering the trade). The position profits when the stock price rises. The call buyer has limited losses and unlimited gains, but the potential reward with limited risk comes with a premium that must be paid when entering the position. The Option Calculator can be used to display the effects of changes in the inputs to the option pricing model. The inputs that can be adjusted are:

  • price
  • volatility
  • strike price
  • risk free interest rate
  • and yield

Enter "what-if" scenarios, or pre-load end of day data for selected stocks.

Below are few quick-links for some top stock put/call charts:

Having Trouble? Use the old Options CalculatorBreakeven Point
Data Provided by HistoricalOptionData.com stock market volatility strike pegger learn stock market trading stock market terminology bull spread call trading tutorial stock market report put strike price company stock symbols what is a strike price common stock market terms strike price of options stock trading strike price option greeks stock trading leverage stock market symbols lookup stock exchange volume best covered calls stock market risk volume of stock volatility stock market
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