Option Calculators and Stock Screeners
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Optionistics - Stock Options Trading Tools

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Optionistics offers a comprehensive set of charts, tools, stock and options data, and options calculators which can be used for analyzing the US Equity and US Equity and Index Option markets.

Options Tools

There are a wealth of analysis tools available including price and volatility history, option calculators, option chains, volatility skew charts, all free of charge.

Options Screeners

Numerous screeners for stocks and complex options are available. Screeners are updated daily. Delayed data is free, subscribers get more timely data.

Options Tutorial

Our comprehensive tutorial covers the basics of options, the uses of options, options pricing, and complex option products. The tutorial is free.

Options Articles

Read articles written by traders. Learn about the chances of profiting from a trade, trading cost, alternate strategies, volatility skew and more.

Click on the images below to sample some of our popular resources. For a complete list, check out the Site Map. Registered users have access to the complete set of Optionistics tools. Registration is free. Subscribers get the latest data. Visit our subscription page for more information.
Volatility Screener   Stock Option Caclulator Probability Calculator

Stock & Option Screeners

Multi-Leg Option Calculator

Probability Calculator

Data Provided by HistoricalOptionData.com
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