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Covered Put Calculator
The Covered Put Calculator can be used to chart theoretical profit and loss (P&L) for covered put positions. To create a covered put strategy add a short stock and a short put position to the calculator. Clicking on the chart icon on the Expensive Put/Put screeners loads the calculator with a selected short put or short put. Clicking 'Add Stock' will add the underlying stock to the calculator forming a covered put or covered put position.
The black line shows the P&L, which is the sum of the P&L for the short stock and the short put positions. In this example, if the stock price stays below the short put strike price of $128, the position will net $755 per contract. The underlying security price will have to rise $7.95 before the position starts to lose money.
The green triangle displays the approximate break-even point. General Help with the calculator can be found here.